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Školský rok: 2016 / 2017 | 2017 / 2018 | 2018 / 2019

Calendar for selected events in ICS format (for Thunderbird, Outlook, Google, ...)

Školský rok: 2017 / 2018
01.09.2017 Start of academic year 2017/18
04.09.2017 Enrollment for doctoral study
18.09.2017 Defining of the individual study plan of the PhD. student by tutor
18.09.2017 Deadline for delivery of written report for a comprehensive examination of full-time PhD. students
06.11.2017 - 10.11.2017 Application for Presentation days (full-time PhD. students) - Project 1 subject
06.11.2017 - 10.11.2017 Application for Presentation Days (part-time PhD. students) - Project 2 subject, Project 4 subject
13.11.2017 - 16.11.2017 Comprehensive examination of full-time doctoral students (Project 3 subject) and examination of doctoral students from "Subject of specialization"
04.12.2017 - 05.12.2017 Presentation days of doctoral students - full-time students - public discussion at the departments in frame of Project 1 subject
06.12.2017 - 07.12.2017 Presentation days of doctoral students - part-time students - public discussion at the faculty in frame of Project 2 subject and Project 4 subject
27.12.2017 - 05.01.2018 Holidays
08.01.2018 - 12.01.2018 Application to state exam from obligatory subjects of doctoral study
08.01.2018 - 12.01.2018 Application for Presentation days (full-time PhD. students) - Project 5 subject
08.01.2018 - 12.01.2018 Application for Presentation days (part-time PhD. students) - Project 1 subject
08.01.2018 - 12.01.2018 Delivery of the PhD thesis to tutor - preparation of Project 5 subject
22.01.2018 - 26.01.2018 State exams from obligatory subjects of a comprehensive exam
31.01.2018 Call to tutors for preparing of proposals for PhD thesis for next academic year
12.02.2018 - 13.02.2018 Presentation days of doctoral students - full-time students - public discussion at the departments in frame of Project 5 subject
14.02.2018 - 15.02.2018 Presentation days of doctoral students - part-time students - public discussion at the departments in frame of Project 5 subject
12.03.2018 - 16.03.2018 Application for Presentation days (part-time PhD. students) - Project 1 subject
12.03.2018 - 16.03.2018 Application for Presentation days (full-time PhD. students) - Project 2 subject, Project 4 subject
31.03.2018 Release of proposals for PhD thesis for next academic year
31.03.2018 Release of the admission procedure for doctoral study for next academic year
09.04.2018 Deadline for delivery of written report for a comprehensive examination of part-time PhD. students
10.04.2018 - 11.04.2018 Presentation days of doctoral students - part-time students - public discussion at the departments in frame of Project 1 subject
12.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 Presentation days of doctoral students - full-time students - public discussion at the faculty in frame of Project 2 subject, Project 4 subject
23.04.2018 Deadline for delivery of PhD. thesis for defence
31.05.2018 Deadline for application for doctoral study for next academic year
08.06.2018 - 11.06.2018 Comprehensive examination of part-time doctoral students (Project 3) and exams from "Subject of specialization"
15.06.2018 Deadline for delivery of reviewer name for written report of a comprehensive examination by tutor
21.06.2018 - 22.06.2018 Admission exams (interviews) for doctoral study
16.07.2018 - 10.08.2018 Holidays of full-time doctoral students
15.08.2018 Deadline for delivery of "Annual doctoral student rating"
15.08.2018 - 31.08.2018 Defence of PhD. thesis
01.09.2018 Start of academic year 2018/19