Expert Lectures and workshops for our foreign students in the company Expressif Systems in Brno, Czech republic

Our foreign students from Polytechnical University of Madrid and Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, during their summer Internship at the Department of technical Cybernetics visited the company Expressif Systems in Brno, Czech republic, where they participated in expert lectures and workshops focusing on programming of microkontrollers ESP32 and optimization of software with an emphasis on reducing energy comsumption. the workshop was run by the team of Ing. Juraj Michálek and his colleagues. The visit organized our two PhD. students Ing. Ján Šumský and Ing. Michal Kubaščík from Department of technical Cybernetics. Our successful graduates of the study programme Computer Engineering Bc. Marek Tebeľák a Ing. Tomáš Bača participated in the events as well.

We are very grateful to Juraj and his colleagues for creating a great time full of interesting lectures and workshops. We are looking forward to our cooperation in the future. 
